Bem, regra geral tenho azar ao jogo.
Mas como quase todas as regras têm as suas excepcões, desta vez ganhei 2 bilhetes num sorteio realizado na empresa para o"Gloger Festspillene"!
E valeu a pena: os concertos foram simplemenste sensacionais!!!
Desde o canto "à lá capela" até aos jovens músicos...
A música está bem incrustada na cultura de Kongsberg (a começar pelo karaoke!)
(Vou tentar arranjar um cd para a malta)
(Vou tentar arranjar um cd para a malta)
Well, usually I have bad luck when it comes to games.
But just like almost every law has it's exception, this time I won 2 tickets for the "Gloger Festspillene" in a lottery that took place at the company!
And it was worthy: the concerts were simply great!!!
From the singing "à lá capela" to the young musicians...
Surely music is part of the culture of Kongsberg (starting with karaoke!)
(I will try to get a cd...)
(I will try to get a cd...)
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