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Had sex behind the wheel of 124 km/h
Offered 100,000 dollars for car sex interview
It went fast in the turns when the Animals took over for Lisa Marie Høglund (21) and Martin Seland Kjelsås (29). Now fans, the news channels from around the world with tusenlapp for family's history.Items girlfriend from Hønefoss ran between Oslo and Drammen 1. Easter Monday with sex as a conversation, when they failed to wait longer. She wrote of him, and while the Easter tourists made big eyes they had sex while they drove. Martin Kjelsås said journalists from several countries are calling all the time to get a bit of history. At the same time, Lisa Marie Høglund that she regrets upsetting for what she did. "It began as a joke, but emotions took over. Now I repent. It should never have happened. For the first the traffic was dangerous for the other, I have hurt people that are close to me. It hurts to think about" she says to VG Nett.
The military is pioneering new ways to get rid of scrapped material.

It is Oksøya MS and MS Glomma which is available for sale, online with an exclamation price of 1.1 million. "Warship is demilitarized and main engines, generators, water jeter and large amounts of equipment are dismantled and used as spare parts for boats," states, among other things in the ad text.
Considerable interest it is the military itself that is behind the new way to get rid of scrapped material, and the interest is great. "With all this interest suggests that we get sold the boats" says Bjørn Orlogskaptein Stavrum in the military's disposal project to Aftenposten.
Each boat is 56 meters long and has a width of 13.3 meters. They were built in the 1990s by the then Kvaerner Mandal. "Forsvarsgrå" Piece price for mine sweep erne in fiberglass-composite was the time several hundred million, but a buyer need them for significant investments to bring the ships in the stand. The color is described as a "forsvarsgrå" in the ad on finn.no. Maximum speed is given to one knot, which is well done, given that the ships are stripped of all engine power and technical equipment, except electrical installation. Should you wish you a good topic to new husbåt it is still a week left to budfristen expires.